The 1000 North American download codes can be acquired simply by showing support to Nindies or indie titles for Nintendo’s console. 2 in the US when it became available on the Nintendo eShop. The game is exclusive to the Wii U, and it rose to the sales charts to become the No. update for the game,developer Cypronia will be giving away a total of 1000 digital North American download codes for “Cube Life: Island Survival.” It is worth noting that although it is an indie game, it is the first and currently most successful sandbox title for the Wii U. The update is currently live in North America, and it will introduce Deathmatch, Tower Defense and Co-op as local multiplayer modes, a larger game map, new enemies and inventory management access across Wii U GamePad, Wii U Pro Controller or Wii Classic Controller. The first update of “ Cube Life: Island Survival” does not only provide several gameplay adjustments as it also introduces some new game modes for a whole new dimension of playing. Indie developer Cypronia recently released the first software update to its video game, “Cube Life: Island Survival.” The new update will add several features to the game, and those interested in “Cube Life: Island Survival” now have a chance to get their hands on a free copy of the title.